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  1. Platinum -  $10,000
    Gala Table (8 Seats)
    Main Headlined Sponsor for Annual Conference
    1 Full Page Ad in Directory that goes out to up to approximately 2,000 high school students
    Website Main Sponsor - seperate ad on homepage
    2 tickets to the annual conference (accept Platinum Membership Award)


  2. Gold   -  $5,000
    1 Half Page Ad in Directory that goes out to up to approximately 2,000 high school students
    Shared Slide Ad Logo on CESDA Homepage
    Mentioned in the Annual Conference and on the program

  3. Silver  -  $2,500

    1 Quarter Page Ad in Directory that goes out to up to approximately 2,000 high school students
    Shared Slide Ad Logo on CESDA Homepage
    Mentioned in the Annual Conference and on the program

  4. Bronze  -  $1,000
    Mentioned in the Annual Conference
    Shared Slide Ad Logo on CESDA Homepage





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